This and That
Although it's still rainy here, it hasn't been very cold. My hydrangeas are budding (a pesky, albeit cute, little snail has made itself at home here), and daffodils are popping up everywhere. Spring has sprung (almost)!
This morning, we crossed paths with Watson, a retired breeder for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Watson is almost 13-years old, very spry for his age, and still wears his black Guide Dogs collar. Watson's owner told me that Watson's sire was Faris (sp?), who fathered over 400 Guide Dog pups.
And yesterday, when Cabana and I were at a pet store in our town, a couple entered with a pretty yellow Lab. I recognized their ubiquitous leather service dog leash, and said, "Hey, is that a career change dog?" They laughed and said yes, as I held up my matching leash for Cabana. That yellow Lab was Yasmine (again sp?) who is 8-years old and also very spry and high-energy. It's Guide Dog Central around here!Cabana has been doing great on walks. After private email consultations with fellow blogger OSU 98 (thanks, Nicole!), we are alternating between a 6' leash and a long lead. Cabana loves the freedom of the long lead--she's gotta sniff everything. (Sorry for the butt shot, but I couldn't get a photo of Cabana facing me!)
As a reward for great long line recalls during our walk, Cabana got some off-leash romp time with chocolate Labradoodle Cocoa, who is a regular passerby on our walks. What a great way to start the weekend!
So it sounds like it is off to a postive start!!! My puppies got some freedom in the snow this morning...I had to shovel yet AGAIN, as much as, if not more than what I complained to you about yesterday. The snow is actually good for Chelsie's knee..and mom's state of mind when it comes to her knee. She got to act like her old self today - I let her romp and frolic in the snow! She and the BC were rewarded with a walk in the snow and a piece of cheese when they got home. RIP is off looking at the cat (or sleeping?) and Chelsie is here on the bed with me. A glass of wine and a nap might be in order for know how I feel about shoveling snow. :)
YAY CABANA!!! You are such a good mom to her.
I think the butt shot is familiar to anyone who takes pictures of their dog while walking :)
Fun - the GDB world is small indeed isn't it. Love the friendships you make along the way - Sounds like a great start to the weekend. Ah, hints of spring sound lovely - hope they come this way soon.
So many guide doggies up there! 400 pups are a lot to sire! Wow! And love those hydrangeas starting (mine are too heheh) and daffies as well! Good work on the recalls - sound like alternating the lengths is a great solution! Cabana's doing great - and love the last photo!
Hugs xo
Spring? We are not even thinking spring yet.
it was Ferris, as in Bueller, and yeah, he's a legendary sire and was born in 1986.
I was out sans puppy today with my friend who has a working guide. It was raining so the dog was wearing a rain coat which makes the harness hard to see. The woman in front of us in line reached down and pet Anya on the head and I politely mentioned she's a working guide and shouldn't be distracted. The woman looked again and saw the harness and said "oh no my daughter trains guide dogs! I will be in such trouble!" turns out she had a cc dog in the car, and her daughter's last puppy is supposedly graduating next weekend. Small world for sure!
We really need to get a long line to keep at home to use for trianing
also, Watson is Cabana's maternal great-grandfather :) He sired Uma (with Kinji), who is Darlene's mom. Even smaller world now?
Oh my gosh, Mandy, I can't believe Watson is Cabana's great-grandfather! That's just way too amazing. Yes, such a small world.
Hi ya Cabana!
Yes, we have the long line as well... I tend to like to RUN...when my snooter gets a sniff of something, mom's still not trusting me off leash just out and about.
Is there a big parkie in your town that is enclosed for us doggies? And, if you are in the area for the MHS doggie park times, feel free to contact us!! Will have to meet up one of these days.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose