Disaster Preparedness

Although Cabana is wearing an e-collar, a muzzle, and a bandage, don't worry! She isn't hurt or in any trouble. We have been volunteering with our shelter's humane education program, where we go to elementary schools and teach about animal-related topics. This week, we helped with a session about disaster preparedness.

We've never had to evacuate our home, but we do live in earthquake country, so a potential evacuation is not out of the question. I have family in the New Orleans area, and they have to evacuate their home on a fairly regular basis. After Katrina, they were displaced from their home for over six months. Hopefully, we won't ever have to leave our home for that long, but it's good to be prepared for at least a short evacuation.

For the class, Cabana demonstrated some of the items in a pet's first aid kit. I don't think Cabana would ever need a muzzle, but some dogs may respond aggressively if they are hurt and would need a muzzle while their wound was being attended to. Cabana tolerated the muzzle very well with some practice and a small piece of sourdough bread or other rare treat as soon as the muzzle was removed. I knew Cabana would hate the big plastic e-collars, so I got her this soft inflatable Kong brand of e-collar. It's kind of pricey, but I feel prepared, knowing that if we should ever need it, Cabana won't mind wearing it. The stretchy bandage is easy to use because it sticks to itself and can be used over and over.

Do you have an Evac-Pack for you and your animals in case disaster strikes your area? Here is a list of items to get you started.

Begin by labeling a large tote or garbage bag with your pet's name, and include these items:
- A carrier or crate, large enough to comfortably contain your pet and provide a safe haven during an emergency.
- Collar, ID tags, animal license.
- Harness or leash.
- Bathroom supplies (litter and box for cats, poop bags for dogs).
- Medications for your pet, along with instructions for them.
- Medical records and name/address of your vet, stored in a plastic bag for safety.
- Current photo, in case you and your pets become separated.
- Food and water for at least 3 days in non-spill containers.
- Feeding instructions, stored in plastic bag.
- Toys and treats to help make your pet comfortable and reduce stress.
- First aid kit (which includes the items Cabana is modeling, as well as gauze, milk of magnesia for poisoning, digital thermometer, eye dropper or syringe).
- Towels or blankets to use as stretcher or to stabilize an injured animal.
- Anything else you would add?

Sarah and Romeo  – (March 15, 2013 at 2:38 PM)  

Oh yes, very good to have! I used to have a kit but now it only has a few things in it. She looked like she tolerated it well :)

Dexter  – (March 16, 2013 at 4:41 AM)  

I got out of the habit of keeping a pack when Mango died. Dex just seems so healthy, so thanks for the reminder. Not only is good to have the stuff, but also to acclimate your dog to using it. Which reminds me that I want to work with Dex on a calm down on the stretcher. I never did get that with Mango and luckily we never needed it, but Dex isn't all that small, so having him trained to lay on the stretcher is a good skill.

Mango Momma

Vertigo  – (March 19, 2013 at 9:56 AM)  

Totally unrelated to this post... but I just saw your Etsy account on the side and can't WAIT to purchase some treat pouches from you. Very much liking this hinge guarantee! Keep an eye out for an order from us.


Becky Andrews  – (March 19, 2013 at 4:03 PM)  

This has been on my mind for quite some time ... thank you!! Getting on the cricket preparedness. Go Cabana!

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