Can Somebody Play with Me...PLEASE?!
>> Friday, March 26, 2010 –
dog friends,
dog park,
pit bull
I'll gladly play with any breed, age, size or color! Hellooooo?!

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Some pibbles are nice, some mean to be nice, but they sometimes forget!
Your mom takes really good pictures of you!
Such pawesome pictures, Toby would LOVE to come play with you!
Toby just tagged you over at his blog - make sure to stop by!
Toby's Raiser
Cabana you are so cute with such personality. Glad you had a fun play date! Cricket would love to come play with you!
Aw, sounds like Mr. Bull got all dressed up hoping to find a lady, and he did hehe! Sounds like a good time, and this was a great story. With the descriptions, it felt like a little doggy book =D
Oh Cabana! We're available!!! C'mon DOWN!!! Mill Valley, here we come - just have to go during hi-tide! Next week? Have kong, will travel!!! (Let us know!)
Big Hugs xoxo
Sammie and mom
Here on the west coast with GDB we are not allowed to take the puppies to a dog park to play.
Ah I see you are with GDB, I follow so many people I get them mixed up sometimes!
she sure is cute!
I jokingly told our CFR I wanted Dublin back LOL, she laughed and said Oh, you want him back huh, He is anothor good one, as most of them are!!
Reddunappy, you are right, GDB pups are not allowed to go to dog parks. Cabana can go now that she is a spoiled career change dog, but not while she was a puppy in training.
Waffle would love to have a play date, except miss scaredy-pants doesn't like dog parks. But she said our back yard is lots of fun with enough room for two active labbies. Next time your in LA swing on by.
Thanks, Carrie! Cabana would love to play with Waffle in your backyard. I'm going to take you up on it!
ha ha - oh that's great! TOtally put a smile on my face.
We would love to play with you...but our mom just wants to hug your weet neck!!!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
I have a couple pit bulls (and a chihuahua) you can play with :)