Back in the Thick of Things
It has taken a week for us to recover from our busy week with Montego. Having finally surfaced from our sleep-deprived stupor, yesterday we went on a fun playdate outing with blogger pal Golden Samantha! So while Sammie was channeling Esther Williams with her effortless dog paddle...
...Cabana was channeling THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON!
Honestly, talk about being dirty from the top of her head to the tip of her tail!
Although Cabana loves water, she isn't fond of swimming, so she stays in the shallows. In the video, taken by Samantha's mom, Cabana has to work hard to walk through the mud, as she sinks knee-deep into the mire, while Samantha and another golden retriever swim around gracefully. But on land, Cabana romped with Samantha.
And with this black poodle.
And with just about every other dog there. Thanks for introducing us to such a great dog park, Samantha! We look forward to hanging out again soon!
that is such a cool park. but how do you get the creature back home? It is enough to deal with fur, much less mud. You are better doggy mommy than me!
Ha ha ha...just loved the video!! I like how Cabana made those most interesting doggie tracks in the mud! What fun.
It looks like everyone is having a blast. I love the video and the music that is playing with it.
Cabana you crack me up!!! Mud gal!
You sure had an extra workout tromping through that sticky stuff.
Sorry I missed this play date!! Next one hopefully.
Have a nice weekend!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Ohhhh Cabana! Great post of a cool day at one of my new fave parks! I could learn some tips from you at how to be more social with dogs - I got the social-with-the-Kong thing down, but... - need your help heheh! Gonna get my post going furry soon, but Mom's been crazy bizzy with weekend "stuff" she says. Will get it done! Such fun and you are a beautiful girl, muddy or non!!!
Big Hugs xoxoxoxo
Sounds like a delightful time for all -- except the clean up afterwards? You have a great life, Cabana!
Hi Cabana, it sure is nice to meet you. Samantha sent me over here and I am so glad she did. I will be back soon.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
OOOOO, send some dog park water down this way please! We won't even mind some of the mud! :)
What a great park - and we love looking like a mud creature!
What a great time you had!! Samantha sent us over to say hi, we will definitely be back!
Dory and the Mama
Hi Cabana,
I came over from Golden Samantha's blog. You have a great place here and I will keep coming back to read about your adventures and look at your awesome pictures!
Emma Rose
Hi Cabana, we read about you at Samantha's. We wish we could run and play in the mud and water too, but we have never been to a lake or a pond or the ocean. We really have to get at Mom to let us do that.
Nice to meet you.
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh, wow! You look like you had SO much fun! I LOVE MUD!
What lucky girls to be able to meet up together. Next time you see her, give Samantha a big lick for me! =)