Playing at the Beach
>> Saturday, June 26, 2010 –
dog activities,
off leash dog beach
My name is Bowser. I'm half German shepherd, half wolf, and I'm just 5 months old.

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Wow Cabana!
I want to come play with you!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Whoa, Bowser is gonna be huge!!! Half wolf, huh? Interesting. He looks really really fluffy :)
Looks like you're living a dog's dream life, Cabana!!
OOOOOO, I'm so jealous!!!!! :)
Looks like you are having such a great time!
Wrooo wroooo, you guys are having so much fun!
We wanna play too!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Fun times Cabana!! Looks like you and your beach pals put some mileage in! :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Very cool waves!!!
Elizabeth & Luna
My doxie Texas would love that place!
Sounds like a great day with new friends, Cabana. I think you have a fabulous life and love your commentary.
That looked like a really fun day!
Emma Rose
Wow - Make friends with Bowser for sure. We think he might actually be half horse from the size.
What great fun! It's our dream to have a wolf hybrid someday, especially Alex's since he grew up with them around! I'm jealous of the gorgeous beach, Eclipse wants to come play!
That looks like so much fun, Cabana. What a lucky girl you are, getting to romp with all those other dogs. Don is a big fan of the beach too!
someone had tons of fun!
Cabana is such a happy, free spirit! I just love to see her playing.