Vote Cabana the Cutest Dog of the Season!
I just entered Cabana in Hallmark's Cutest Dog of the Season Contest. Click here to vote for her!
Here's the photo I entered:You can also enter your own dog photos. Just so you know, you can vote for multiple dogs, so you can vote for Cabana AND vote for your own dog. I doubt I'll win, but it's fun anyway!
I'm looking forward to watching this Hallmark movie, A Dog Named Christmas, airing on November 29. It's got a yellow lab in it--what better reason to watch!!
We Voted and then entered! :))
Oh Cabana you got our vote! You are adorable and so happy we were able to meet you. Good luck! Love, Becky & Cricket.
We voted!!! YAY - who doesn't love a good movie with a lab!? :D
We voted & entered! Cute pic:)
Vote 4 Toby @,
Toby's trainer
Thank you for the votes. Keep 'em coming! Toby, I voted for you, too. Erin, what the URL for yours?
We voted for Cabana too. Very cute photo! :-)
We voted and entered Baloo ...
This is such a fun contest!
Oh yeah!!!! Voted for YOU TOO!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose