Sniffing Out Point Isabel

This morning, I needed to drop my husband off at Oakland Airport. I'd been wanting to check out Point Isabel Regional Shoreline for a while now, so I stopped there on my way back home. It is a fabulous dog park between Marin and Berkeley, surrounded by the San Francisco Bay.

rocky coastline with a gravel path, in the distance is the bay bridge, few dogs scattered along the path, with cabana in the foreground, sniffing the rocksIt was a bit foggy, but there were lots of friendly dogs there. Can you see the Bay Bridge through the fog? Pretty much all Cabana wanted to do was sniff EVERYTHING.

cabana running down a grassy hill, nose to the ground as she runs
cabana in a field of very tall dried grass, sniffing the ground as she walks along

cabana walking behind a doberman with her nose to his rumpAnd EVERYONE.

cabana standing behind a black lab who is on the edge of the water, she has her nose to his rump

cabana standing on a path surrounded by the bay, she has her head up as she sniffs the airCabana obliged me with some poses, but you can tell she's STILL sniffing while she's posing.

close up of cabana sitting on the path surrounded by water, nose even higher in the air as she sniffs

cabana standing in shallow water on rocks, in a very tentative poseCabana kinda wanted to get in the water. But she never wants to swim. Wet tummy = not comfy.

cabana on another rock a bit further out from the coast, but still very hunkered down and uncomfortable looking"Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into. I may be a water dog, but I'm not a swimming dog because I can't get my tummy wet."

a golden retriever gliding easily through the water toward cabana, who stands on the shore, half turned away from the dog in the water, looking like she's beating a hasty retreat"Is THAT what I'm supposed to be doing? That's just crazy."

cabana greeted by a reddish brown shorthaired dog wearing a muzzle over his faceI didn't see this dog's owner anywhere nearby. I was kind of sad and kind of glad for this dog. Sad, of course, that he needed to wear a muzzle--but glad that someone (although I can't say who) was giving him a chance to socialize and hopefully overcome whatever issue he has. He seemed very pleasant and greeted Cabana in a friendly, relaxed way, so I'm hopeful that he's improving with the social opportunities given to him.

a medium sized white dog with brown spots, missing one hind leg, he is help up by a contraption with two wheels that enables him to walk along on three legs without hobblingHere's another dog that made me sad and glad simultaneously. Made me stop and ponder the intricacies of the human/canine relationship, which can be such an amazing thing.

Golden Daily Scoop  – (October 20, 2011 at 5:29 PM)  

Looks like a great place, love the pics! I wouldn't have went in the water but my sister, Maggie would have jumped right in!

Becky Andrews  – (October 20, 2011 at 5:42 PM)  

Wow. Sad/glad - so true. You live in such a beautiful area. Love the dialogue from Cabana's perspective!

Kari in Alaska  – (October 21, 2011 at 9:24 AM)  

THat place must smell wonderful :)


Min  – (October 21, 2011 at 6:55 PM)  

Cabana is so adorable. At least she goes in the water. Bella would only go in if I went in there with her. I think the pictures of Cabana sniffing the other dogs are hilarious. She really gets in there. Haha!

Dexter  – (October 22, 2011 at 4:53 AM)  

I think it is great that dog was allowed to work on his social skills although it does concern me that you couldn't spot the owner.

What's up with the lab who won't get her belly wet? Dexter will go out of his way to lay down in an inch of water. I guess she is just too much of a princess.

Mango Momma

Anonymous –   – (October 22, 2011 at 11:57 AM)  

Loved this blog! In one trip you experienced so much...dogs with physical and behavioral challenges. I agree that I was happy that owner was working with the muzzled dog and it was working out!

Love your posts!

Susan Campisi  – (October 25, 2011 at 10:16 PM)  

What a great outing with all those wonderful smells. Photos are fabulous. I know what you mean about being sad and glad at about those two pooches. I feel exactly the same way.

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