Feeling Thankful

A couple weeks ago, we had our family Christmas card photos taken by our wonderfully gifted friends, Bill and Nat, from Photo Lab Pet Photography. They used Cabana in a photo shoot a while back for a dog product website they were building. In past years, we've always taken our Christmas card photos ourselves, either utilizing the self-timer or just Photoshopping myself or whichever other family member took the photo into the best overall shot. Usually, I can pull something decent off, but last year, the final result was hodge-podgey, dark, and slightly embarrassing. So I decided back then, come heck or high water, I would have Bill and Nat take our photos the following year. As you can see from this photo, there is absolutely NO COMPARISON between their results and my feeble ones. They know exactly where to go for beautiful backgrounds, how to get Cabana (and the rest of us) to look in the right direction (although she is a very eager model, especially when treats are involved). They have a stellar eye for capturing the right second and the right light. And sure, they have expensive professional equipment. This photo was a sneak peek, so I'm still waiting with baited breath to see the rest of them!

Four years ago at Thanksgiving, Cabana was career changed. I remember being in Los Angeles at my sister's house when we got the surprising yet expected news. It sent me into such a quandary about whether to keep Cabana as our pet or allow Guide Dogs for the Blind to place her with someone else. Had we decided not to keep her, my life would look completely different today. It almost scares me to think how different. Without Cabana, I would not have become involved with my local shelter, I would not have even half the friends I now enjoy, I would not have my wonderful Etsy business, and I would not have a soft yellow toe warmer lying at my feet as I type this. My life is more successful, more fulfilled, more balanced, and more enjoyable. There's not an area in my life that hasn't been permeated by Cabana's presence, all changes that have resulted in GOOD.

Yep, I'm thankful today, thankful for everyday I get to spend with this beautiful dog.

Becky Andrews  – (November 30, 2013 at 10:00 PM)  

So sweet! What a great message! I'm grateful Cabana brought us together!

Min  – (December 8, 2013 at 3:39 PM)  

That's a beautiful picture of Cabana! I'm so thankful for my little lab as well.

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